Publication Type: Proceedings

A cloud computing network and an optimization algorithm for IaaS providers

ICC '17 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series a5, doi:10.1145/3018896.3065838
G. Colajanni, P. Daniele
Publisher's website

Time-dependent spatial price equilibrium problem: Existence and stability results for the quantity formulation model

Meeting on Variational Analysis and Applications held at the 1st AMS-UMI Joint Meeting, Journal of Global Optimization, 28 (3-4), 2004, 283-295.
P. Daniele
Publisher's website

Recent results on a general financial equilibrium problem

AIP Conference Proceedings. vol. 1558, 2013, 1789-1792
A. Barbagallo, P. Daniele, M. Lorino, A. Maugeri, C. Mirabella
Publisher's website