An optimization model for the management of green areas
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P. Daniele, D. Sciacca
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An optimization model for the evacuation time in the presence of risk
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P. Daniele, O. Naselli, L. Scrimali
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A System-Optimization Model for Multiclass Human Migration with Migration Costs and Regulations in the Covid-19 Pandemic
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G. Cappello, P. Daniele, A. Nagurney
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Refugee Migration Networks and Regulations: A Multiclass, Multipath Variational Inequality Framework
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Human migration networks and policy interventions: bringing population distributions in line with system optimization
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International Human Migration Networks Under Regulations
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A. Nagurney, P. Daniele
Publisher's website
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A projected dynamic system associated with a cybersecurity investment model with budget constraints and fixed demands
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G. Colajanni, P. Daniele, D. Sciacca
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Capacitated Human Migration Networks and Subsidization
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A. Nagurney, P. Daniele, G. Cappello
Publisher's website
BibTeXA. Nagurney, P. Daniele, G. Cappello